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ABAP Runtime Analysis Using The New SAT Transaction – Part 2

Tony CecchiniAnthony Cecchini is the President of Information Technology 鶹TVվ (ITP), an SAP consulting company headquartered in Pennsylvania. ITP offers comprehensive planning, resource allocation, implementation, upgrade, and training assistance to companies. Anthony has over 17 years of experience in SAP R/3 business process analysis and SAP systems integration. His areas of expertise include SAP NetWeaver integration; ALE development; RFC, BAPI, IDoc, Dialog, and Web Dynpro development; and customized Workflow development. You can reach him at [email protected].


SAT – Running a trace measurement

Lets pick up from last month… To recap, we created a measurement variant for transaction SAT and named it ztony. We can now execute a Runtime Analysis in ABAP Runtime Analysis in ABAPon our custom program. All we need to do is enter the name of your transaction (or program, or function module) into corresponding input field of theIn Dialogarea on the initial screen and press𳦳ܳٱbutton. in our case our program is also called ztony. (see below)

STAT Execute Trace


Once you hit execute, the object you are tracing will execute normally. In my case I created a simple ALV Tree for the Flight Tables delivered. So when I execute, I am presented with a selection screen, which I bypass and execute. I am then given the SIMPLE TREE for the grid as a display. I then just green arrow back, and the trace file is read. The system will show how it is progressing using the GUI process indicator. (see below)

STAT Execute Trace


When the trace file has been completely read and formatted, the results screen will appear if you checked theEval. Immediatelycheck box on the initial screen otherwise go to theܲٱtab on the initial screen, find your trace result and double click it. You can immediately see the nice work SAP has done with the user interface. It very much resembles the NEW ABAP Debugger (see below)

STAT Execute Results

Using SAT trace evaluation tools

The user interface consists of the desktops. You can set up each desktop as you wish, with up to four trace evaluation tools. By default theDesktop 1presents tools for analyzing performance andDesktop 2tools for analyzing program flow. If you remember, the old SE30 transaction offered only two main tools, theHit Listand theCall Hierarchy. SAT offers a rich set of new tools to analyze different aspects of a trace. Lets explore each on in turn.

– TheHit ListմǴDZworks the same way as in SE30. Itdisplays a hit list of all measured statements. Identical events are summarized into one trace line together with their execution times. But identical events from different calling positions of source code appear as different entries in the hit list.

STAT Hit List

– TheCall HierarchyToolworks the same way as in SE30. It displays operations and events as they occur in a program.You can useCall Hierarchyto display trace events the way they were called by the program. Since the display of theCall Hierarchyis a little large, you can display aCall Stackfor a chosen event of theCall Hierarchyor just choose the event and position its display in theProcessing BlocksTool. There you will see all processing blocks (methods, functions, etc.) you configured in your trace measurement variant and can better follow the call hierarchy of the trace event and even display the critical processing blocks in terms of consumed run time or memory

SAT Call Hierarchy

– TheProfileToolshows you the run-time distribution of components, packages, programs and even debugger layers. The benefit of theProfileTool is that you can start a trace evaluation at your application component (e.g. FI or HR) and drill down the trace results view through the sub-components and their packages in order to follow up on the top performance consumers.

SAT Profile

– TheProcessing BlocksմǴDZdisplays a tree of processing blocks as an aggregated view of the call sequence

SAT Processing Blocks

– TheDatabase TablesToolidentifies time-consuming database statements

SAT DB Tables

– TheTimesմǴDZdisplays more specific time measurement values for the single events of the call hierarchy

SAT Times


Working with The New user interface

Lets finish this month’s blog by looking at some efficient ways to navigate around the new UI.

Let’s speculate your are in the HIT LIST and you want to display more details on a specific entry. You can do this by using theDisplay subarea in… button. First highlight the row with a single click and then click the button. A tool new sub-screen will display with the detail measurement. (see screens below)

SAT SubArea


SAT SubArea Detail

In a very real sense we just “filtered” the HIT LIST. I am guessing that is why the the Overall View button is the one that looks like a funnel..LOL Hit this button to return back to an OVERALL view. (see below)

SAT Overall View

Another nice feature is the DisplaySource Code button. Again, highlight the row with a single click, then hit the button and you will be brought the source code. You can also achieve the same result by double clicking the highlighted row. (see below screens)

SAT Display Source Code

SAT Source Code

Working with multiple trace evaluation tool screens requires easy navigation between them. By setting the cursor on the trace entry in one tool and usingPosition in the… button, or by right clicking, use the command of the right-mouse button menu, you can easily examine this entry in another tool. For example switch from theHit Listto theCall Hierarchy. (see below)

SAT Position in


There are other common UI commands you can use, such as theAdditional informationSAT Additional Infobutton to show more fields in the tool display.You can choose for example to display a package, a software component or a person responsible. You could use theDisplay Call StackSAT Call Stackbutton to show the call stack for a selected entry.This feature is available only withinCall Hierarchy.


Summary and what’s next…

This is basically everything you need to start using the SAT transaction. We learned how to efficiently navigate the NEW UI tools and tool-sets. We took a deeper dive into each tool to see how to use it.

To read the first part of this blog series, which is an introduction to SAT, click Below.

ABAP Runtime Analysis Using The New SAT Transaction – Part 1

In the next blog of this series we will look at specific usage scenarios of SAT, like performance analysis, program flow analysis or memory consumption analysis.

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